Link ~*~ Another link


SP: 70

Older Adult

Rubicon is a strong KORR supporter who has been a little quiet lately, fallen a bit out of the loop. But this is only because he has been working at home for the benefit of KORR, training up foals, gathering recruits, and building a legion.

Rubicon carries a small bag of goodies between the base of his wings, for little gag items mostly, a party hat for sure - he loves his party hat.

Rubicon is dedicated to training. He has a lot of stamina and he is a very big stallion, so he's got plenty of strength to throw around for a phoenix. His intelligence, however, is severely blunted by random moments of pure insanity, usually involving pudding or coffee. His memory is rather terrible, and is far more on the instinctual level than the intellectual level. While agile enough on the ground, he is a bit less so in flight. He can fly well enough, just don't ask him to pinpoint land or do stupid air ballet.

During young adulthood, when single and free, Rubicon's life was devoted to training to be a warrior for KORR. Upon meeting his mate Genesis, also a KORR supporter, Rubicon decided to train up an army of minions- foals! Yes, he meant foals. Genesis was very understanding because she too respects the almighty KORR and let him train up their children for the purposes of whatever insane plans he had in mind. So Rubicon has spent some time lately more at home and working on things there rather than his own personal training and adventuring. Now he is trying to get back into the swing of things.

Rubicon is a terrible flirt, despite being happily mated to Genesis. He will flirt with literally anything that catches his eye. Usually the things which catch his eyes are phoenixes of the flame colored variety. Rube has a tendency to be very sexist, breedist, and colorist. Though lately he has relaxed and allowed Kirins, flutters, and other colored ponies onto his islands.


As a flame coloured nixie, Rubicon is all about the fire. It is a natural fire that follows all the rules of normal fire; can be put out with water, lack of oxygen, or even stop drop and roll.

Weak Version
Flame Feathers - Can ignite wingtips and tailtips. He can fling small bits of fire from them that normally go a short throwing distance, but the fire smolders out quickly once away from his body. Because of this, he prefers melee - well he prefers melee anyway, and naturally the burning parts of his body burn others when touched, which is a bonus when melee fighting.

Medium Version
Flame Wings - Can ignite his wings and tail, and fling larger bits of fire. The same rules apply as with the flame feathers, and he still prefers to just duke it out with someone.

Strong Version
Flame Body - Can ignite his entire body. At this point he's going to fling himself at his target.

How is this magic justified?
Rubicon is working dutifully on gathering a flame legion, which is part of the reason he's been a homebody so much lately. His tribe and legion progress can be found primarily in the FaeCreator account, a sub of garney, though contestors such as Rubicon and his sons are found in the main account

Rubicon is flame retardant in that normal fire does not hurt him. His ability to create fire and set himself alight does not burn him in any way. This inability to be harmed by fire only applies to natural fire, not electrical burns or special sorts of fires.

Rubicon is a strong and highly leveled supporter of KORR. He continues to train heavily and better himself to become the best warrior possible. Currently, his levels make him equivalent to SoK Nefarious Paladin. However, he's also been 'out of the game' for awhile, so to speak, so his powers may be rusty and need practice.