Known Relatives: None, though he is often considered the "little brother" by the group of fighters Kushiel leads

Character Concept: A hyper, energetic never sits still hunter

Description: Lahatiel is fairly slender and sleek for a Highland buck, lacking the broad muscles of say Kushiel or Puriel, but he has a definite toned look. So he still looks tough without the bulk. He likes shiny things and will often adorn himself with them, but he always wears a feather necklace identical to Puriel's. His yellow, barred red coat may seem bright, but in the Highland area where their Clan lived, he blended in well to the color of the rocks and dirt. Though on Haurah he might be a little more out of place depending on the terran, Lahatiel was made for hunting over rocky cliffs.

Personality: Lahatiel is hyper. That is the best word to describe him. Like a child who got into the sugar and never got out again, he never stops moving. Generally he has a hard time focusing his attention on anything for very long either. He requires constant stimulation or he'll just drift off after some shiny object. He also has a horrible memory at the best of times, and there are just some things he can't remember at all.

History: A bit younger than Kushiel and his group, Lahatiel would always trail along behind them as a fawn. This got him into a lot of rather dangerous situations, as they'd be engaged in battle with a group of Urhein only to find out that Lahatiel had followed them the entire way there. Kushiel tolerates him, Rogziel usually ends up defending him, and Puriel... well Puriel has a severe soft spot for him and likes having him around.

Once Lahatiel grew up, he tried everything to become as big and strong of a fighter as the others. But his body never quite bulked up properly, always staying lean. So Lahatiel made himself useful in other ways, changing his skills in trailing the group of fighters, to trailing game and tracking Urhein for them to fight. Though not a fighter, he became quite adept at tracking and hunting because of his swift and sleek body.

Strengths/Abilities: Lahatiel is very fast and very nimble. He can easily move quickly over even dangerous rocky terrain with little to grip onto. His light physique for a Highland meant that he could traverse even the most fragile of cliffs.

Weaknesses/Flaws: Lahatiel has a very hard time focusing and staying on task. He generally does a lot better when hunting, when there's the thrill of catching something, but beyond that his attention is all over the place. He also has a horrible memory and often requires constant reminders of things.

Name one each of the following...
What does he seek? To fit in.
What does he love? Being included.
What does he fear? That his mind is a little bit less than stable
What does he believe is "true"? Brotherhood