Known Relatives: none
Character Concept: A pretty, flirty, attention needing boy.
Description: A lovely silver color with patches of black and midnight blue. His hair is a deep shade of blue, while his eyes are brilliantly silver and blue. He loves wearing jewelry.
Personality: At first glance, Leliel seems very shallow. He's all about his looks, he knows he's pretty and he likes to show it off. It's in the way he walks, the way he holds himself. He has a certain dose of pride, though much of his flaunting has been trained into him. Beyond this extreme confidence in his appearance, he is honestly insecure and anxious about nearly everything else. The flaunting just makes a really outlandish shield that few look past.
History: Until very recently, Leliel was a slave of the Urhein. No beast of burden was he though, instead treated more as a pet or companion slave for the well-to-do of Urhein society. He was trained from birth on manners and etiquette, how to behave properly to please his Master.
Strengths/Abilities: Leliel is very polite and refined. He knows manners, etiquette, and exactly how one would serve an Urhein his meal in any setting and on any occasion. He was bred and trained to be a companion, he excels at skills required in pleasing an Urhein master, who often kept him close for his appealing looks and graceful movements. Leliel can dance and is generally knowledgable about Urhein social customs.
Weaknesses/Flaws: Leliel is rather insecure and nervous in any situation that does not involve his particular strengths. Though enslaved, his prior life had been one of relative comfort and opulance. Some might consider it to have been a spoiled existence.
Name one each of the following...
What does he seek? Attention.
What does he love? Being taken care of.
What does he fear? Being alone.
What does he believe is "true"? Love.